

2021-02-17 16:07:18 我乐直播 www.wolezhibo.com

[Post Game Thread] The Los Angeles Lakers (22-7) defeat the Minnesota Timberwolves (7-21), 112 - 104【赛后帖】洛杉矶湖人(22胜7负)今日在客场以112-104轻取明尼苏达森林狼(7胜21负)

[Post Game Thread] The Los Angeles Lakers (22-7) defeat the Minnesota Timberwolves (7-21), 112 - 104




[–]Lakers G1Spectrum 217 指標 2小時前

LeBron 30-13-7, padding that MVP case


[–][OKC] Kevin Ollie IncaseAce 62 指標 2小時前

With no AD, that MVP case might be unquestionable if it’s holds up


[–]Lakers Looperstooper 48 指標 2小時前

5-1 without AD this season


[–]ResponsibleWarthog10 17 指標 2小時前

he's definitely winning if the lakers get the 1 seed

but that'd be tough.



[–]NBA aulixindragonz34 33 指標 2小時前

If lakers is the 2nd seed but AD is out for considerable amount of time i can see lebron winning it


[–]Responsible Warthog10 14 指標 2小時前

yeah for sure. especially if the jazz get the 1 seed because no one on that team is getting mvp of course.

if it's the clippers i could see kawhi getting buzz if he plays better as well.



[–]Jazz LlamaCombo 1 指標 1小時前

Ingles 4 MVP, fight me.


[–]NBA aulixindragonz34 1 指標 1小時前

Embiid if the sixers are 1st has a case imo.


[–]Nuggets GoyathlayA 2 指標 57 分鐘前

Only if the Sixers record is comparable.

Right now the East is weak as hell, the Lakers 2nd seed is considerably better than the Sixers 1st seed, AND Embiid has missed a shit ton of games.



[–]Warriors surosregime 16 指標 2小時前

Man fuck voter fatigue he deserves it so far


[–]CIark [分數隱藏] 22 分鐘前

Why do people keep saying voter fatigue when he hasn’t won one in like 9 years? Like shit Giannis is the only one who has legit voter fatigue just give Bron his damn respect


[–]Celtics theraarman -4 指標 2小時前

Who is the most valuable player to their team? I got 1 curry 2 lebron

Honestly lakers wouldn’t have this sick record without lbj and Warriors would be near the bottom without curry



[–]NBA iRockaflame 6 指標 2小時前

So tough though. You take out Jokic and the Nuggets are going straight to the lottery. Dame, Curry and Bron are the same.

MVP is going to come down to whoever has the #1 or 2 seed and can maintain their stats the best.



[–]Lakers Rager_YMN_6 21 指標 2小時前

Naw, respect to Curry but it's LeBron

Without LeBron we're a damn lottery team, he does literally everything for us on both ends of the floor, even if he coasts at times defensively. There's a reason he's considered the most valuable player to a team of all time due to everything he brings.



[–]Timberwolves pineapple192 18 指標 2小時前*

Without KAT the Timberwolves are the worst team in the league so he should easily win the MVP.

With KAT they are also the worst team in the league but let's just ignore that so we can have something nice.



[–]mapletree23 1 指標 1小時前

embiid's missed games is going to be a blemish on his mvp chances

denver's record is going to be a blemish against jokic at this rate

if embiid keeps sitting it's probably going to turn into who has the better record between jokic and lebron or if lebron can keep the lakers afloat without AD, which for now he has been getting the wins




[–]Celtics Contrxt 2 指標 2小時前

Lakers always play down to competition


[–]Lakers echoecho25 200 指標 1小時前

Anthony Edwards is so special. Also LeBron, Dennis, and Trezz were so good tonight. Dennis is so good when AD doesn't play


[–][ORL] Mickael Pietrus zackarykapowski 85 指標 1小時前

Dennis scores well, but his point guard skills are pretty bad.


[–]Lakers captjacksparrow47 3 指標 1小時前

Lets be honest, Lebron's the pg in lakers


[–]Lakers echoecho25 47 指標 1小時前

I agree but his skillet is one that is useful. Part of the reason he looks so bad is bc when Bron and AD play they like to just hold the ball and it turns Dennis into a spot up shooter. No AD and Dennis can initiate more for himself and he does well. He also works his butt off on defense


[–]good olvj[ ] [分數隱藏] 22 分鐘前

Which is why I wasn't as sold on him as everybody on this sub was when they traded for him. He's had one good season so far, he needs to prove that he can be productive on a team where he has a lesser role but still contribute.


[–][LAL] LeBron James xyneid 8 指標 1小時前

He won't handle the ball in playoffs as frequently. He's the starting PG so that LeBron isn't ran to the ground handling the ball. I'm sure (and hoping) LeBron will resume his usual service come playoffs.


[–][ORL] Mickael Pietrus zackarykapowski 9 指標 1小時前

Yeah absolutely, just hurts not really having another true playmaker on the team. Gasol is nice, but limited. Would be great if Dennis could create more for others and was quicker w his decisions.


[–][LAL] LeBron James xyneid 6 指標 1小時前

Gasol is the second best playmaker on the team and it's saying something about the overall playmaking of the Lakers. Gasol's real value is his BBIQ contribution and spacing the floor for LeBron. Dennis is good at slashing and occasional threes, but he's really not an elite playmaker especially considering that he's replaced Rondo.


[–]Mystic Knives 60 指標 2小時前

Edwards is clearly legit.

That second half effort for the Lakers was nice to see, especially when Bron wasn’t in.

Also, with AD being out for awhile, Harrell is a very useful pickup for them.




[–]futureviking3030 7 指標 1小時前

Harrell won the game tonight, just constant positive plays in the second half.


[–]Bulls celsius_two_3_two 2 指標 1小時前

I really like how Trezz feels a bit bad every time he gets a dime from Bron and he fails to get an and-1 finish off of a mismatch. The dude just goes hard to push himself further.


[–]vvrr00 14 指標 2小時前

Lmao everyone were shitting on gasol and he guarded kat well and somehow shot well as well lol


[–]Timberwolves la-blakers 2 指標 2小時前

Has he been on a cold streak or bad for the Lakers? Besides getting old I've generally considered him to be the real deal


[–]Timberwolves vMambaaa 2 指標 1小時前

Gasol has always gotten the better of KAT tbf


[–]Lakers Trapped_In_A_Bag 7 指標 2小時前

Take a random guess on who has the game high +/-


[–]Lakers markjay6 12 指標 2小時前




[–]Mavericks TheRealPdGaming 140 指標 2小時前*

I didn't watch this game. Only followed the highlights in the sub, and I swear to God I thought the Lakers would have lost.

LeBron's own ankle breaker, the air ball 3, everything that's been posted about this game makes it look like they were going to get blown out but they actually won.



[–]Yacht Club arcelios 100 指標 2小時前

Some of the posts tonight made me think LeBron is struggling tonight.. especially without AD and any other reliable 3rd option. And the Lakers losing by 30 to the Wolves


[–][LAL] Sasha Vuja?i? PairedFoot08 45 指標 2小時前

Its been really weird in general lately, we have now won 8 of our last 9 but so much of the discussion has been negative (mainly among our own fanbase)

I get it we arent at our best, but the sky is very far from falling



[–]Lakers ginbooth 10 指標 2小時前

Can't believe how quickly the casuals turn on players. It's annoying AF. The Denver post-game thread had a bunch of comments calling Schroder a scrub and wanting him off the team. I find it easier to deal with idiots on opposing teams than on my own.



[–]Lakers _Meece_ 19 指標 2小時前

It's cause we expected our defense to get worse and our offense to improve, but the opposite has happened, so everyone is frustrated.

Stagnant, league average offense can be painful to watch, because all the other top teams have an elite offense. Makes it feel like your team is missing something.



[–]Lakers NotBrokeJustBent23 8 指標 2小時前

Our offense hasn’t been great because everyone went cold from three. It’ll pick up once we actually hit our shots and stop turning the ball over so much.


[–]Hawks ImgonnawaverwireAB 16 指標 2小時前

It’s weird because it feels like every thread sucks off lebron, but every post I see is anti-Bron/“lakers have issues”


[–]Mystic Knives 21 指標 2小時前

There’s been a so many threads with Bron hate and or salt within the past 7 days. MVP talk threads had so much salt towards him being the front runner atm. This place isn’t really as pro-Bron as one might possibly think. He gets tons of love of course. But he’s got probably the largest amount of haters of any active player


[–]Lakers AfroSuede 95 指標 2小時前

The haters are real quick with the trigger


[–]Lakers richard_golbes 12 指標 2小時前

Lebron haters are a curious crowd.


[–][LAL] LeBron James xyneid 45 指標 1小時前

It's even more ironic that the guy who posted them is a Lakers fan lol.


[–]Midautumn32 27 指標 1小時前

Lakers fan but lebron hater i guess


[–]Lakers AthKaElGal 10 指標 1小時前

Old Laker fans were rabid Kobe fans who hated anyone surpassing Kobe. Lebron became their hate generator.


[–]Lakers Donaldtrumpet6543 6 指標 49 分鐘前

I actually Hate that lol. How can you be a laker fan while hating the man who has made LA relevant again. I have to admit, i hated lebron when he wasn't with us but him joining the team saved us from mediocrity and got us our 17 th ring. Now ill fight anyone shitting on the king


[–]Lakers LakersNRavens 15 指標 2小時前

Brooklyn on thursday...


[–]Masterpiece Enough544 6 指標 2小時前

That game is gonna have so many wild takes


[–]Clippers _ArthurDigbySellers_ 22 指標 2小時前

Not a Laker fan (far from a hater either) but it’s a blessing to get to watch as many Lebron games as we do in LA. Just a once in a lifetime athlete.


[–]Spurs moltch 14 指標 2小時前

Lebron's the GOAT



[–]Timberwolves EsotericPotato 114 指標 2小時前

Felt like Lebron taking that charge killed that game. Ant was willing the wolves back into this game.


[–]Timberwolves Skoltrain 66 指標 1小時前

Rubio and Vando missing the layups was the dagger tho


[–]futureviking3030 14 指標 1小時前

Rubio's lack of ability to finish straightforward (for the NBA) layups is pretty bananas.


[–]Timberwolves Skoltrain 4 指標 1小時前

Just scoring in general for him. Every shot feels like it’s gonna hit the front of the rim. Tbf tho this layup was a kinda tough reverse layup but a good

finisher like Dame or Fox makes this 90% of the time


[–]Magic MetalBackboardHooper 45 指標 2小時前

10 shots for Towns is just incredibly ridiculous. Saunders needs canned immediately.


[–]Timberwolves srry_didnt_hear_you 40 指標 2小時前

I don't like Saunders much either, but I'm pretty sure KAT is still in recovery mode, he looks a bit out of shape.


[–]Lakers yungtatha 13 指標 2小時前

He sat for a looong stretch and looked tired in the 2nd half. Maybe he still has stamina issues from COVID.


[–]Timberwolves Tschmelz 15 指標 2小時前

Yup. KAT needs to knock the rust off still I think. He’ll be back to normal soon I think.


[–]Timberwolves OnePieceAce 20 指標 2小時前

Ant Edwards is the only thing keeping me alive in this dark cold world. Also fire Saunders please


[–][LAL] Kobe Bryant PM-ME-YOUR-FoUrSKIN 37 指標 2小時前

Great team game from the Lakers, but damn Anthony Edwards is improving every game. The league has so many upcoming guards


[–]Hawks dogwoodmaple 88 指標 2小時前

Best game of the season from Edwards.


[–]Keith VanHorny 85 指標 2小時前

LeBron realizing Edwards was caught up in his own hype and taking the charge late in the 4th was an awesome teaching moment. With the right work ethic, Edwards is a future all-star.


[–]Lakers Apollo611 2 指標 2小時前

He was going off until that charge, then he talked some shit to our bench, and didn’t hit anything after. Learning experience for sure, he’s going to be great.


[–]Lakers echoecho25 33 指標 2小時前

He has all the tools to be an elite three level scorer. Such a fun player


[–]Lakers JohnnyDozentKnow 57 指標 2小時前

 I still think he was the right choice at #1 by the TWolves


[–]Timberwolves GartThrowaway 32 指標 2小時前

me too man, Lamelo obviously hotter out the gate with his pro experience but Edwards has a crazy high ceiling





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