请高手指教.htaccess规则 感谢
2011-11-16 10:43:09 作者:我乐NBA 来源:我乐NBA 浏览次数:0
- [ISAPI_Rewrite]
- # Defend your computer from some worm attacks
- #RewriteRule .*(?:global.asa|default\.ida|root\.exe|\.\.).* . [F,I,O]
- # 3600 = 1 hour
- CacheClockRate 3600
- RepeatLimit 32
- # Protect httpd.ini and httpd.parse.errors files
- # from accessing through HTTP
- # Rules to ensure that normal content gets through
- RewriteRule /software-files/(.*) /software-files/$1 [L]
- RewriteRule /images/(.*) /images/$1 [L]
- RewriteRule /sitemap.xml /sitemap.xml [L]
- RewriteRule /favicon.ico /favicon.ico [L]
- # For file-based wordpress content (i.e. theme), admin, etc.
- RewriteRule /wp-(.*) /wp-$1 [L]
- # For normal wordpress content, via index.php
- RewriteRule ^/$ /index.php [L]
- RewriteRule /(.*) /index.php/$1 [L]
2011-10-11 15:40
请问是保存为.htaccess文件,然后放到每个images文件夹下,还是怎样,能详细说一下吗?如果能成功我就太感谢了,无以言表!!!!团队的补充 2011-10-11 15:40